Episode 134: Grumpy Matt's Worst Christmas Ever

The weather outside is getting frightful, but the fire is getting oh so delightful...Or that's how these show notes would have started if we actually recorded a holiday episode. Instead, we recorded an episode about Made-For-TV-Movies and what it would be like if we made those into video games. Just to be clear, no one picked the Made-For-TV-Movie you wanted them to. Nope, not even that one.

Kyle is created the worst (best?) ever modern farming sim. Andrew wrote a script. Todd's main character has a lot of names and that's really all there is to remember about his answer.

The title of this week's episode was NOT selected by our Patrons in our Discord Community because we didn't want to spoil the bit! That said, if you want to help us choose the next one, join our discord, and/or get some bonus content, become part of #ButtThwompNation at patreon.com/debatethiscast

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Hey you! Were we on your Spotify Wrapped this year? Or on any other non-Spotify end of year list? If so, we'd love to know about it! Share that proof to social media and tag one of the accounts above. If you do, you'll be our favorite listener and we may even send you something. Or don't, I'm not your dad.

Properties we talked about this week: Lifetime movies, The Last Prostitute, Stardew Valley, Deadly Daycare, Cadet Kelly, Alan Wake, Alan Wake 2, Murder She Wrote, Who is Clark Rockefeller?, Uncharted, Phoenix Wright

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Took it from this A+E network website.