Episode 136: Dice Wars: Revenge of the Six

It's season premier episode time nerds! And, as this is the premier of Season 7, we've decided to leave everything related to the number 6 in the past. That might not seem like much, but it means that we're throwing away all the 6-sided dice in the world. You read that correctly, all the d6's are going away forever and we here at DT!HQ are in charge of replacing them. Join us as we kick off DT! Season 7 and decide, "Which dice is the best dice?"

Kyle makes a shockingly weak pitch for the d10. Todd makes a shockingly strong pitch for the d4. Matt makes a shocking pitch. Who will stand victorious amongst the battlefields of the Dice Wars?

The title of this week's episode was NOT selected by our Patrons in our Discord Community because we didn't want to spoil the bit! That said, if you want to help us choose the next one, join our discord, and/or get some bonus content, become part of #ButtThwompNation at patreon.com/debatethiscast!

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Properties we talked about this week: Baulder's Gate 3, Liar's Dice, Dungeons and Dragons, Yahtzee, The Metric System, Chipotle, Fazoli's, American Football, Craps

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: This absolutely insane and upsetting human flesh dice made by Masataka Shishido, better known as @doooo_cds on Instagram. Image via says.com.