Episode 165: Save the Pet Store, Save the World

Pets. They're the best part of living! We love them, we care for them, they eat us out of house and home. Some people love cats. Some people love dogs. Some people love greasy cephalopods on fire. Some people love dinosaurs that spit lightning. Today, we set out to decide who the people love most and "which Monster Hunter monster would make the best pet?"

Todd is bringing the heat. Matt is bringing the skulls of his enemies. Kyle is bringing the coolest combination of words you've ever heard.

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Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

MERCH! We have that! Right now you can go on the internet and order things that say Debate This! On them! All you need to do is head to MerchThis.net and give us your money! Ever wanted socks with the DT! logo on them? Well now you can get em! One more time that website is MerchThis.net!

Properties we talked about this week: Monster Hunter Wilds, Monster Hunter Rise, The Ford F-150, SUVs, hermit crabs

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Adorable Anjanath art via Amino by artist Nargannoying on IG

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On the far off Planet Zi, a race of organic, robot-like animals are used by locals as means of production and tools of war. These organic, robot-like animals are called Zoids and they're the topic of this week's Flavor Text! From toy, to anime, back to toy, back to anime, the story of Zoids has it all. You've got your plucky protagonist. You've got your young girl with amnesia. You've got your mystic histories of colonized peoples. And, most importantly, you've got your kick-ass, 3D robot fights! 

Follow along on today's Imgur gallery: https://imgur.com/a/RyQc2l5 

Special thanks to "@pflum" for commissioning today's episode! If you want to fund your own exploration into madness, all it takes is a visit to patreon.com/debatethiscast and a one-time payment of $60.

Recommended Reading:

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast 
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image credit: Via dramas.jackyly.ca

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Episode 164: Did It All For The Rizzo

It's been a few years since we did a Muppets episode, and if we are to believe the responses to our listener survey, you freaks want more! So we're running it back and pitching concepts for a new Muppets movie. But that's not all! These aren't your grandma's Muppets movies. No, this time we're making the best Muppets movies based on video games.

Kyle is adapting a classic story about a hero of time. Todd is pushing the line on how violent a Muppets movie can be. Andrew is hiding behind a convoluted story with characters we all remember.

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

MERCH! We have that! Right now you can go on the internet and order things that say Debate This! On them! All you need to do is head to MerchThis.net and give us your money! Ever wanted socks with the DT! logo on them? Well now you can get em! One more time that website is MerchThis.net!

Properties we talked about this week: Marvel Rivals, the Muppets, the Moopets, Ocarina of Time, God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Muppets take Manhatten, Muppets Christmas Carol, Final Fantasy

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Via reddit by artist CanaryWitch!

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In the distant past of 2014, humanity was forever changed upon the discovery of a big ol' space orb floating above Mars. The big ol' space orb terraformed planets across our solar system and granted us with the Power of LightTM, ushering in a new Golden Age. But, that Golden Age wouldn't last forever. Eventually, the forces of DarknessTM found us and did a near-genocide, and now humanity is on the brink of extinction. Fortunately, the big ol' space orb resurrected a bunch of people and gave them Space Magic to fight back against the Darkness. You are one of those Space Wizards. It is you who will lead the charge against the evils of space and lead humanity back to their long-lost Golden Age. This is your story. This is your DESTINY.

Special thanks to "@zhakhix" for commissioning today's episode! If you want to fund your own exploration into madness, all it takes is a visit to patreon.com/debatethiscast and a one-time payment of $60.

Follow along on today's Imgur gallery: https://imgur.com/a/uXRxNpf 

Recommended Reading:
- Original Vanilla Destiny intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j222kz9Aijo 
- Current Destiny intro as of Feb 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbhgu_eHaTI&t=171s 

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast 
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image credit: Snagged it from Bungie’s EU store.

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Episode 163: With Apologies to Chillblaine

Love is in the air at DT!HQ, and with Valentine's Day right around the corner, we just need to tell you about it. We grouped up and waxxed nostalgic about some of our former flings and misadventures. But these aren't just any old first date stories. No listener, these are the tales of our dates with DC villains. Why did we date DC villains, you ask? How dare you ask that question.

Kyle has a tale of corporate love. Matt has a tale of hateful love. Andrew has a tale of too much love.

Recommended Reading:

  • The episodes Todd mentions in the intro are #63 and #68

  • Editor's note: I wasn't ready for those to be 100 episodes ago...

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Do you like it when we talk about comics? Do you like it when we say comic words into your lil ears? Would you like more content that includes us saying comic words into your lil ears? If you begrudgingly answered yes to any of those questions, check out our sister show, Avenge This! where ever you get your podcasts!

Properties we talked about this week: Inque, Batman Beyond, Anguish, Superman, New 52, Golden Glider, Kite Man (Hell Yeah!), Harley Quinn

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Anguish punching Superman in the face via comicvine.com

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Episode 162: Money Equals Life Minus Time (LIVE at the RX Gaming Lock-In)

It was a quiet night in Cincinnati, OH when the call went out for a podcast to perform live and spice up the night. We answered that call and swore to host a live podcast the likes of which Cincinnati, OH had never seen. This is that podcast and in this podcast we ask, "What modern game would you put in an arcade cabinet?"

Andrew is ready to introduce the free-to-play model to Pizza Huts everywhere. Todd is ready to reintroduce the track ball to modern gaming. Kyle was there with us in spirit, but spirits don't exist in live podcasts.

Recommended reading:

A massive thank you to the folks at RX Gaming for inviting us to their event! You can find out more about their mission to make gaming accessible at rxgaming.org!

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

MERCH! We have that! Right now you can go on the internet and order things that say Debate This! On them! All you need to do is head to MerchThis.net and give us your money! Ever wanted socks with the DT! logo on them? Well now you can get em! One more time that website is MerchThis.net!

Properties we talked about this week: Fortnite, Elden Ring, Donkey Kong, X-Men, Turtles in Time, The Simpsons Hit and Run, Pac-Man, Big Buck Hunter, Golden Tee, Guantlet, Bad Dudes

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Logo from RX Gaming

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FLAVOR TEXT: Primetime Glick

When we opened our FLAVOR TEXT series up to commissions, none of us thought we'd be talking about long-running improv comedy bits. But alas, here we are.

This month we're examing the career of comedy legend Martin Short. More importantly, we're goinig through the character? story? persona? that is Jiminy Glick and his TV show Prime Time Glick!

Special thanks to Noah for setting a new high bar on weird FLAVOR TEXT commissions! Check out our Patreon at patreon.com/debatethiscast to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT!

Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast 
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: via IMDb

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Episode 161: If You Build It, They Will Sweat

It's the season 8 premier, can you even believe it? That's right, they let us get away with seven whole seasons so we decided to do another one! Speaking of doing another one, have you done today's Wordle? We all spent the holiday break commiserating with our families over the New York Times Games and how dumb the purple group in Connections is. Well this experience inspired us, so we're opening our season in kind. Without further ado, we ask the question, "Which NYT Game should become multiplayer?"

Todd is ready to unpack some early-childhood trauma. Andrew is creating some middle-aged trauma. Matt's speaking in numbers and we're not quite sure what that means.

We're running a Listener Survey for the first time ever! We'd love your input. If you have 5 minutes, check it out here: https://forms.gle/AQBnkg1C83hkkap28

Sponsored Recommended Reading:
Check out our friends at Candy is Dandy: https://pod.link/1632162083

The title of this week's episode was selected by our Patrons in our Discord Community! If you want to help us choose the next one, join our discord, and/or get some bonus content, become part of #ButtThwompNation at patreon.com/debatethiscast!

Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

MERCH! We have that! Right now you can go on the internet and order things that say Debate This! On them! All you need to do is head to MerchThis.net and give us your money! Ever wanted socks with the DT! logo on them? Well now you can get em! One more time that website is MerchThis.net!

Properties we talked about this week: New York Times Games, Wordle, Connections, Spelling Bee, Sudoku, Tiles, Scrubs

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: I swiped it from the New York Times Games “Gift a subscription” page.

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Season 8 Trailer

Here's a trailer for Debate This! Season 8 and what we have on the calendar for this year. 

See everyone? It's a trailer! You can start here! You don't have to go back and listen to episode 1. Please don't go back and listen to episode 1.

Have you seen our Patreon? patreon.com/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Instagram? instagram.com/debatethiscast
Have you seen our Threads? threads.net/debatethiscast
Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

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