DCOMstructed: Halloweentown

A very happy Spooky Day to all who celebrate. For this momentous annual occasion, we present to you a preview of our new series, DCOMstructed, a monthly breakdown and discussion of Disney Channel Original Movies, or DCOMs. As is the season, our choice for this here holiday is none other than Certified BangerTM Halloweentown!

EDITOR'S NOTE: During the commercial break, we listened to an old promo for A Bug's Life as well as a few other Disney Channel liners of that time. Since famously-litigious Disney Corp included the whole-ass track to Baba O'Reily in that promo, we weren't able to include it on the free feed. If you like what you hear and want more of DCOMstructed (or you just want that Bug's Life promo), consider checking out our Patreon at patreon.com/debatethiscast! For $5 a month, you'll get access to the Premium feed, which right now includes our pilot episode we did about Phantom of the Megaplex as well as the entire backlog of our D&D real-play show The Office Drones.

Recommended reading:

Spooktacular Review-a-thon:

  • Step 1: Review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, Goodpods, or anywhere else you can write reviews!

  • Step 2: Take a screenshot of your review, post it to social media, and tag us @debatethiscast

  • Step 3: We'll read your review in a spooky voice during the October ad breaks!

  • If we get 20 new reviews this month, we'll make Todd play another spooky game live on Twitch!

  • You can watch last years stream at https://www.youtube.com/@debatethiscast

Have you seen our Twitter? twitter.com/debatethiscast

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FLAVOR TEXT: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

In every generation there is a Chosen OneTM. One podcast alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. We are that podcast, and this month we are talking about the GOAT teen supernatural action-adventure-dramedy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Listen in as Andrew dictates in no short order the first three seasons leading up to Buffy's high school graduation and the set up for its massively successful spinoff, Angel.

Here's an Imgur library chock full o' complicated prostethetics and late-90s VFX: https://imgur.com/a/Tmh5PiD

Special thanks to "@OCreativeOne" for commissioning this month's episode! If you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT and have us talk about literally whatever you want, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Extended Reading

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at ozzed.net!

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SIDEBAR: Product Placement in Games

It's been a while since we all gathered around the pretend Zoom campfire and told some personal CUP NOODLES® IS THE PERFECT BLEND OF TASTY BROTH AND ZESTY TOPPINGS THAT TAKE ONLY 3 MINUTES AND A MICROWAVE TO MASTER. NO COOKING REQUIRED stories about favorite moments in video games.



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FLAVOR TEXT: Mandalore and the Mandalorians

The writers over at the Star Wars Extended Universe had a dilemma. They needed to create an entire race of people based off of one side character in the original movies who barely spoke as whose most defining personality was "jetpack." So, they had created this cool tribe full of warrior-nomads who all lived by their own defined code and called them "Mandalorians." And then the writers must have taken a holiday, because when it was time to name the planet someone just copy+pasted "Mandalorian."

And then when it was time to name the generations of clan leaders responsible for uniting the tribes into a nation someone just dropped the "ian" and said that every leader has the name "Mandalore." And then when fictional historians went back to name the specific wars fought against these people they named each of the 3 separate wars spanning thousands of years "The Mandalorian Wars." So here you are, America. We did a Star War and it's all about the Mandalorians, a race of intergalactic space cowboys who wear full body armor and wield space-flamethrowers.

This episode was commissioned by "NathanLV", an esteemed member of the West Coast chapter of #butthwampnation. If you'd like to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast!

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Episode 75: A Fairly Balanced Pair of Bat Nipples (ft Alyse Knorr)

To all of our surprise, Todd started his own superhero advertising agency during the pandemic and just informed us that we would be "pitching to him" a PR solution. After being told that they're completely different things, he just kind of shrugged and did that weird Ashlee Simpson SNL dance.

So, for some reason, the rest of us are here pitching a complete public relations strategy for a particular DC superhero. In this universe, be prepared to see Batman picking up trash by the highway, Shazam teaching kids the dangers of underage drinking, and Negative Man embracing his inner positivity.

Special thanks to our guest Alyse Knorr for joining us in our stupid, pretend board room! Alyse is a published writer, poet, professor, AND podcaster! Check out her Boss Fight Books work on Super Mario Bros. 3 and her podcast Sweetbitter which is currently exploring the life of Sappho among the poets of ancient Greece.

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SIDEBAR: Mailbag Episode!

Remember when all your favorite TV sitcoms used to do that thing where instead of actual plot or content they would just play clips from older, better episodes? And then the credits would just roll and it was like, "Yeah whatever see you next week maybe we'll do something then!"

Well, we're doing that but--even better--we've made all of YOU figure out the content for us! That's right friends, today's episode is all about answering YOUR questions. We wax nostalgic on best episode moments, personal favorite games and comics, and most importantly: Which one of us has won DT! the most?

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 68: The Sarah Michelle Gellar of Prehistorical Despots

Last month, we asked the question "Which superhero would be a terrible roommate?" So, it stands to reason that it's worth playing in that opposing headspace by asking "Which supervillain would be an awesome roommate?" Imagine just hanging out watching Storage Wars doing bumps of The Power Cosmic with Galactus while your bro Toad cleans the bugs from your shared living space, all the while Apocalypse is channeling you full of otherworldy strength enough to carry 10-ton limestone blocks.

Debate This! is streaming live every Monday night! You can find us on twitch.tv/debatethiscast every Monday at 8pm ET.

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 66: Pumpkin-Spiced Ghost Rider

If you look out of your window, fellow spooky passengers, you'll find a desolate wasteland ruled by mobs of zombies. Fun! Before we disembark, make sure to grab one of the non-zombified superheroes that are just hanging by the exit. Fortunately, we have a friendly demon with an aptitude for magic pulled straight from the depths of Hell. Unfortunately, he only speaks in rhymes. Also more bad news, the only other superheroes left are the Human Torch and a mutant who has BEEN DEAD THE WHOLE TIME.

Debate This! is streaming live every Monday night! You can find us on twitch.tv/debatethiscast every Monday at 8pm ET.

Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 63: Mr. Sinister’s Second-Hand Lobotomy

Has anyone ever stopped to think about how X-Men is basically just The Real World But With Explosions? Yes, the ever-evolving war between Human and Mutant is interesting or whatever...but it's time we know more about the minutiae of co-habitation with a mutant who has godlike powers. How much hair would be strewn about Beast's apartment? How does Colossus not break every couch he sits on? And, how many dang TVs does Gambit have to blow up before it comes out of his half of the security deposit?

Debate This! is now on Patreon, y'all! Subscribe at $5 a month to access our all-new premium feed, featuring the monthly adventures of Forborgürf And The Office Drones.

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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FLAVOR TEXT: The Sandman

In November of 1988, DC Comics published the first issue of The Sandman, a revival of a shortly-run series in the 70s of the same name--originally inked by Comics God Jack Kirby. Gaiman's version quickly gained notoriety for its dark and mature themes and its incredibly unique art style. The series has a ton of critical acclaim over time and is to-date only one of a few graphic novels to be featured on The New York Times Best Seller list. Gaiman later went on to write other novels adapted into movies and series you've heard of like Stardust, Coraline, and American Gods.

The Sandman represents a series of graphic novels that follow Dream, who is one of the seven "Endless." The Endless are a pantheon of gods who are as powerful and as petty as the ancient Greek Gods. And...man...this shit is as DARK it is METAL.

Here's a link to the NSFW images we referred to during the show.

This episode was commissioned by Brenda Cole, a first-generation member of #buttthwompnation who also happens to be a blood relative to one of our team (you'll never guess who!). If you want to commission your own Flavor Text, check us out on Patreon.

Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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