FLAVOR TEXT: Borderlands
Vault Hunters, Space Capitalism, and eldritch horrors locked behind arcane gates? It's cute that you all think you're the heroes of this little adventure, but you're not. Welcome to Pandora, kiddos. That's right, we're diving exploding gun-first into the looter shooter that built the genre all thanks to our wonderful support of Butt Thwomp Nation member, Sharkbait!
It's deep lore, character explanations, and a life lesson about how there's probably a reason why an ancient civilization sacrificed their entire society to lock a something called "The Destroyer" behind a gate, so maybe you don't open that gate, yeah? Strap in, choose a vault hunter, decide on a skill tree specialization, change your mind and respec when it doesn't work out well, and get ready to say the word "fustercluck" at least once!
Link to the Imgur library: https://imgur.com/gallery/borderlands-flavortext-J6CAZnU
Recommended Viewing
Borderlands 1, 2, 3, and Pre-Sequel Intros: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3xVQE0JDio
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Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a Creative Commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!
Image Credit: Taken from Daily Masked Characters on Twitter.
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