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At the center of the universe, lives the Void. The Void is unchanging, unthinking, and unfeeling. The Void does not know pain, it does not know sadness. The Void does not comprehend hope, or love. It does not grieve what was lost, and it does not dream of the future. The Void is pink, it is friendly, it is Kirby!

Join us as we break down 50 or so years of lore about the friendliest Nintendo character ever created. Whether you know Kirby from Dream Land or from Super Smash Bros, in the next two hours you'll hear more about Kirby than you even knew was possible.

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Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a Creative Commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Kirby via Nintendo.com