DLC EPISODE: Extended Good Vibes! Clip Show

Happy last Tuesday of the year! We're heading in to our between-season break, but we wanted to penetrate your ear holes one more time before the New Year. Back in October, we launched a Patreon-exclusive DT! aftershow called Extended Good Vibes!

EGV! is a casual, unedited conversation between the Debaters recorded immediately after Debate This! episodes. This clip show is a sampling of some of our favorite moments from the first two months of EGV! We'll be back next week with our official Season 5 preview next week, and back with the Season 5 premier episode on 1/11/22.

If you enjoyed these clips today, consider joining the ranks of #ButtThwompNation over at patreon.com/debatethiscast! You can join our exclusive Discord server for as low as $5 and gain access to EGV! for $10.


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Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com


Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!