Episode 147: The Ballad of Glizzy Saucedale
Nothing says "return to the office" quite like "BOGO special in the office cafeteria!" With employee productivity on the rise here at DT!HQ, we wanted to say thank you by revamping our company food services. We've posted to LinkedIn and Indeed, searching for a food service veteran to lead this rebrand. That's why today we're asking the question, "What video game character would make the best cafeteria head chef?"
If we told you Matt's whole bit was based on a TikTok, would you believe us? If we told you Andrew's the only one notdoing a voice, would you belive us? If we told you Todd's talking about the most obscure game, would you believe us?
The title of this week's episode was NOT selected by our Patrons in our Discord Community because we didn't want to spoil the bit! BUT, if you want to help us choose the next one, join our discord, and/or get some bonus content, become part of #ButtThwompNation at patreon.com/debatethiscast!
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MERCH! We have that! Right now you can go on the internet and order things that say Debate This! On them! All you need to do is head to MerchThis.net and give us your money! Ever wanted socks with the DT! logo on them? Well now you can get em! One more time that website is MerchThis.net!
Properties we talked about this week: Bush, Lollapalooza, BurgerTime, yakiniku, Resident Evil 4, Fable 3
Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!
Image Credit: Photoshopped a Shrimp Po’ Boy from OurState onto the BurgerTime box art via IGN.