FLAVOR TEXT: Guild Wars 2

In 2012 MMO giant NCSoft and developer ArenaNet released Guild Wars 2, a massively-multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG). Among a veritable ocean of same-y WoW clones, Guild Wars 2 was able to stand the test of time, and while others went F2P or outright went down, Guild Wars 2 still boasts a reliable and dedicated player base today.

Shoutout to fellow guildie "Zach" for commissioning this month's exploration into this and other MMORPGs! For more info on how you can commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, visit patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Link to the Imgur library: https://imgur.com/a/31RpTED

Recommended Reading:

-The History of MMOs by NeverKnowsBest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHQE0ILci4o

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Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a Creative Commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image Credit: Guild Wars 2 Logo via Guild Wars 2 wiki.