On the far off Planet Zi, a race of organic, robot-like animals are used by locals as means of production and tools of war. These organic, robot-like animals are called Zoids and they're the topic of this week's Flavor Text! From toy, to anime, back to toy, back to anime, the story of Zoids has it all. You've got your plucky protagonist. You've got your young girl with amnesia. You've got your mystic histories of colonized peoples. And, most importantly, you've got your kick-ass, 3D robot fights! 

Follow along on today's Imgur gallery: https://imgur.com/a/RyQc2l5 

Special thanks to "@pflum" for commissioning today's episode! If you want to fund your own exploration into madness, all it takes is a visit to patreon.com/debatethiscast and a one-time payment of $60.

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Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

Image credit: Via dramas.jackyly.ca