Episode 62: The Sovereign Nation of Bob-Omb Battlefield

Mario's world might look like it's all hyper-saturated sunshine and rainbows, but under that candy-coated exterior lie some real sinister themes. Like, while that cartoon-y manta ray boss in Super Mario Sunshine might seem like happy fun at first, it's pretty disturbing when you consider that it's literally a shadow that is slowly devouring all living matter in its wake. That gigantic 8-ft walking bomb might have a silly mustache, but it is also a gigantic 8-ft bomb filled entirely of gunpowder and loose ethics. This week, we take a look at the darker side of some of Mario's more enigmatic boss encounters.

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Episode 44: A Rear Without a Santa Claus

Following the announcement that Sakurai and his team are releasing more DLC characters for Smash Ultimate in 2020, everyone out there has been speculating who they think the next additions will be. We could certainly do that for you, but it takes a much bolder team of content creators to instead tell you who they think will NOT be the next DLC characters in Smash Ultimate. And God help us if they make fighters out of Longhorn from 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker, Bad Mr Frosty from ClayFighter, and Gooigi, an obvious pervert.

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Episode 20: Enter the Vibration Dimension

It’s the holiday season, so that means it’s time to shower each other with good will and material love. The Debate This! boys are exchanging gifts in the form of crappy third-party gaming peripherals. Have you ever wanted to get kicked in the chest by Scorpion? How about firing a gun with your vocal cords? Santa wouldn't touch this garbage with a ten-foot pole.

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