SIDEBAR: David Harbour Is (Not) My Real Dad

Hot off the presses, Debate This! is here to give you the long overdue breakdown of plot details, spoilers, and easter eggs from Black Widow! Come along with us as we reflect over the Taskmaster reveal, the role Yelena will play going forward, and spend no less than 20 minutes swooning over David Harbour's Red Guardian.

Note: Since the recording of this episode, it has been reported that David Harbour and Rachel Weisz are set to return to the MCU for future projects. Neat.

Suggested Reading - SIDEBAR: David Harbour Is My Real Dad

If you enjoy these deep dives into MCU content, be sure to check out "The Ploose is Loose!" wherever you download your favorite podcasts.

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Episode 77: Remember To Have Your Rock Dragons Spayed Or Neutered

Like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, the mysterious Shut Up Todd Pet Store has once again opened up its doors to showcase the wondrous marvels inside. But instead of floaty soda, it's full of giant mammoths and rock dragons just itching to do a murder. And now YOU can adopt one of these Monster Hunter monsters as your very own! And you should act now because this store is not going to stay standing for much longer.

Image credit: Nortonifer

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