FLAVOR TEXT: Console Wars

Before Xbox and Playstation were waging war in the 2000s, we were dealing with the console war version of the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The shot heard 'round the world was a simple phrase: "Sega does what Ninten-don't." We all remember the bold and edgy marketing that drew the line in the sand. Brother against brother, we all had to take a side in the console wars of the 90s, but that's not the whole picture of a story that starts years earlier. Join us today as Matt walks us through the earliest console wars in today's FLAVOR TEXT guranteed to hit you hard right in the nostalgia bone.

Special thanks to #buttthwompnation member "@MGrum54," who was kind enough to give us an excuse to break out the Nintendo light gun by commissioning this episode! If you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT, check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a creative commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

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FLAVOR TEXT: Completing Video Games

Picture this. You've dedicated hundreds of your limited hours of existence exclusively to The Legend of Zelda: The Breath of the Wild. You've cleaned out every one of the 120 shrines, you've maxed out your health and stamina, and you've found the most rare and powerful weapons. Moreover, you've explored every inch of the map and have literally overturned each and every stone in order to find all 900 Korok seeds--most of which didn't even provide material gain. But, you did it. You have done all of the things and have seen all the stuff. As you nab that 900th Korok seed, you breath a sigh of relief, saying quietly to yourself: "It's over."

Triumphantly, you rush to the NPC character who originally set you off on this quest, wondering to yourself what kind of reward could possibly be in store? Maybe some super cool armor or overpowered weapon? Maybe an extra shrine or dungeon or something? You eagerly wait for the Korok's fun and silly dance to conclude, soberly aware this will be the last time you may ever see this dance because you are definitely never going to do this again. The Korok leader tells you "here is your reward", and you get the new item prompt--only to show that you've just been handed a golden piece of poop. That's right. You combed the vast expanse of the Hyrule wastes in order to find all these dang Korok seeds just to receive a big ol' turd. You shrug a bit and ask yourself, "OK, what's next?"

What makes people compulsively explore every corner and check every box in a video game? Why do we always feel like we -have- to get all the achievements and get all the collectables to see the TRUE ending? Today, we explore that innate desire to 100% video games.

You can find the Imgur gallery here: https://imgur.com/a/CSquBT0.

Special thanks to #buttthwompnation's resident Cheevo Hunter, "@sharkbait" for commissioning today's episode. If you're interested in comissioning your own FLAVOR TEXT, come check out our patreon at patreon.com/debatethiscast.

Don't forget to check out our Redbubble shop where you can find your favorite debater as a pixelated fantasy hero and a few other DT! goodies: https://rdbl.co/3PWMs5j

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a Creative Commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

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Episode 107: The Tim Bit of '83 (ft. Young Deuces)

This season of Debate This! has braved the waters of some uncomfortable topics, but today we venture to truly uncharted seas. Lace up your shoes, strap on your pads, and do other sports related things because today we're talking IRL sports! Now we're not here for your Maddens or your 2s-K, we're here for Chaos and we want it in the Windy City. Today we embark on a journey which asks, "Which athlete should star in their own non-sports game?"

We asked Kyle to talk about sports and he told us about donut history. Todd takes a page from the WKRP in Cincinnati book. Andrew, to no surprise, is bringing us to the year 20XX. Obviously we needed someone on this podcast who actually understands sports, so we drafted Young Deuces of the Geekset podcast (@Young_Deuces on Twitter) to lead our team to our franchise-first championship.

Recommended reading:

Special thanks to Young Deuces for joining us on Debate This! today! You should check out Deuces's stuff! He's one fourth of a sick podcast called Geekset, he hosts 1 on 1 interviews on the Geekset YouTube channel, and the Geekset team (Deuces included) are working on a documentary focusing on Black Geek culture.

The title of this weeks episode was selected by our Patrons in our Discord Community! Want to help us choose the next one, join our discord and/or get some bonus content? Come join #ButtThwompNation at patreon.com/debatethiscast!

Have you seen our Twitter? twitter.com/debatethiscast

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Want to send us an email? debatethiscast@gmail.com

Do you like it when we talk about comics? Do you like it when we say comic words into your lil ears? Would you like more content that includes us saying comic words into your lil ears? If you begrudgingly answered yes to any of those questions, check out our sister show, Avenge This! (formally known as The Ploose is Loose) where ever you get your podcasts!

Properties we talked about this week: Cult of the Lamb, Michael Jordan: Chaos In The Windy City, ShaqFu, Bill Lambier's Combat Basketball, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Fable, Mirror's Edge, The Sims, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Music for Debate This! is provided by composer Ozzed under a Creative Commons license. Check out more of their 8-bit bops at www.ozzed.net!

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FLAVOR TEXT: Bomberman

An artificial life form created to perform menial labor one day becomes sentient and embarks on a journey to free themselves from their oppression. To do so, they must do the impossible: Escape to the surface world and become human. Only then will they be completely free. You may think to yourself: Why are we talking about the plot to 2018's Detroit: Become Human? And our response to you would be, oh no this isn't Quantic Dream's cinematic masterpiece...this is Bomberman, baby!

Image gallery from the episode: https://imgur.com/a/VL7yOt9.

Today's explosive lore dump is brought to you by Tommy, AKA "Whomstrodamus" in our Discord! Check out our Patreon page at patreon.com/debatethiscast if you want to commission your own FLAVOR TEXT for the one-time price of $50!

Image credit: TV Tokyo

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Episode 71: Use Promo Code "Stygian" at Checkout

Late last night, Matt was pulling a late night at the ol' DT Exclamation Point HQ, and he did that thing in movies where he stepped out of a steamy shower and looked at himself in the mirror and wiped away the fog on the glass to see a SPOOKY THING behind him. Yeah, so our fake office is haunted or whatever...this seems to be as good a time as any to talk in excruciating detail about the Pac-Man ghosts. Welcome to 2021, nerds.

Link to images referenced in this episode: https://imgur.com/a/3Eqe42m

If you want MORE Debate This! please check out our Patreon at patreon.com/debatethiscast! Subscribe at $5 a month to access our all-new premium feed, featuring the monthly adventures of Forborgürf And The Office Drones.

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 58: Real-Time Orphan-Ground Strategy (ft Zak Schneider)

Every villain is the hero of their own story. This week, we're flipping the script to place some of the most classic video game villains in the protagonist's seat. What would it play like to hunt Link with Ganon's army? How different would Bioshock be if you instead played as Andrew Ryan? The answer, apparently, is an incredibly crunchy RTS.

For more of Zak, check out Around the Monitor on Youtube, Apple Podcasts, and streaming live on Twitch. You can find the latest news and discussion on all things gaming and a wealth of video essays on unique topics like the atmospheric music found in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 57: Bouncing Around at the Speed of Time

Oooh boy here we go talking about the DC Universe again. We're attempting to being more thunder to this permanant-second-place franchise of characters by injecting them into some wild-ass 16-bit era games. Andrew bounces a rubber child through a magical mini-golf course filled with trees that also have faces, Kyle builds a white hat hacker into AMAZO to fight alongside Digital Mega Man, and Matt discovers that Ecco the Dolphin is the lost Aquaman comic that humanity needed.

Debate This! is now on Patreon, y'all! Subscribe at $5 a month to access our all-new premium feed, featuring the monthly adventures of Forborgürf And The Office Drones.

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 55: Let the Ka-Bodies Hit the Floor

With the whole world being stuck at home for whatever reason and sports just, like, not happening, we decided to go some good for once and bring you three of the best lesser-known sports that you can play right now in your backyard. And to stick with the format of our podcast we turned said lesser-known sports into video games. Get ready to carry your partner like a human backpack, furiously whack at a reinforced two-by-four, and chanting "Kabaddi" while you tackle your friends until they pass out!

Debate This! is now on Patreon, y'all! Subscribe at $5 a month to access our all-new premium feed, featuring the monthly adventures of Forborgürf And The Office Drones.

Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 54: The Fourth Dimension is Fear

Games like Mario Kart and Action Girlz Racing go zoom, zoom, zoom, and that makes our hearts go boom, boom, boom. This week has us turning beloved franchises and also Seaman into Painfully Elaborate racing titles. And if you don't already see the almost-lifelike face of the Dreamcast's grumpy, misogynist man-fish before you go to sleep at night, you sure will now.

Debate This! is now on Patreon y'all! Subscribe at $5 a month to access our all-new premium feed, featuring the monthly adventures of Forborgürf And The Office Drones.

Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 52: Everything Changed After the Chili Wars

Too often we've witnessed countless whirlwind romances take flight atop the Empire State Building and have watched too many supervillains blow up the Golden Gate Bridge. It's time for other lesser-known American cities to get their time in the spotlight. And so the head engineers at Debate This! Games, Ltd. are designing some of the cities in which we've lived into the next greatest AAA video game. Yinz guys want to drive Crazy Taxi-style dahn the Parkway? How about an open-world RPG themed around independent chili vendors? And is Daytona Beach just its own version of a zombie apocalypse?

Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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