Episode 57: Bouncing Around at the Speed of Time

Oooh boy here we go talking about the DC Universe again. We're attempting to being more thunder to this permanant-second-place franchise of characters by injecting them into some wild-ass 16-bit era games. Andrew bounces a rubber child through a magical mini-golf course filled with trees that also have faces, Kyle builds a white hat hacker into AMAZO to fight alongside Digital Mega Man, and Matt discovers that Ecco the Dolphin is the lost Aquaman comic that humanity needed.

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Check out more of our incessant arguments at debatethiscast.com and keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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FLAVOR TEXT: Marvel Secret Wars

Do you think the people at Marvel back in the 80s would ever have thought that their one-off concept of "make everyone fight each other on an alien planet" would go on to be the single most important thing to happen in the Marvel universe? And that this one storyline would be the thing that retconned, redefined, and completely undid multiple series more than 15 years in the making? This week's FLAVOR TEXT is giving you the entire Secret Wars saga, a notorious storyline that started as a flimsy excuse to sell more toys to being the actual most ambitious crossover event in Marvel history.

Debate This! is a dumb show where grown men yell at each other over video games and comics. Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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SIDEBAR: The MCU and the Multiverse of Madness

With Tony Stark gone, Captain America having Back-to-the-Future’d himself, and Spider-Man facing off against the villainy that is the Sony Pictures Legal department, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to undergo some massive changes. Following the recent announcements during San Diego Comic-Con and Disney’s D23 Expo, the boys felt it was time to regroup and talk about those reveals and what we see for the future of the franchise.

Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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SIDEBAR: Hulk Ruffalo and The Big Thorbowski


The release of Avengers: Endgame marks the end of an 11-year saga. A saga which, quite frankly, many of us thought would never actually work out. But much like our 20s (excluding Matt), the Avengers saga is done, and we are now left only with one underlying question: What happens now? The boys spend their time sharing their thoughts about what’s next for the MCU, as well as impressions and hot takes after seeing the movie.

Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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Episode 24: Talkin' Tungsten

It is the year 20XX. Gigantic monsters have appeared from the depths of the Pacific Ocean to wreak havoc, and so our only option is to build larger robots largely themed around specific elements and/or animals to combat them. The only thing standing between us and absolute destruction is the combined power of Flash Man, Guts Man, and Armored Armadillo. We’re screwed.

Keep the conversation going by following us on social media @debatethiscast.

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